All posts by irwin


Finishing the roof of the TARDIS required a little more contemplation than just banging some bits of roughly triangular ply together. Teacher Pete suggested a hip & rafter design which is probably a bit more substantial than required, but in the name of learning a new skill: I’m game. It’s also good practice for the eventual gazebo that Anna wants.

Emirates Family Day

Desperate for some photos for photography homework, I decided to use Emirates Family Day at Flemington to test my shooting skills for the compositional section combining ‘documentary’ and ‘sport’. I wasn’t about to fork out whatever huge sum it was to get in for the day so I skulked around and got some general shots until a very nice security man showed me where I could get some really nice shots at the starters’ gates. There I was met by a not-so-nice security man who turned out to have a very low tolerance for the likes of me and promptly shooed me away with the use of many guttural mono-syllables.

Melbourne pic excursion

A last minute excursion to Melbourne to gather some homework pictures. The brief was to shoot in 2 styles unfamiliar to us. I read that as ‘uncomfortable’, so crowds and sports came up trumps. My train trip into the city was timed just right for sunset over Southbank whereupon I trekked around Fed Square, up Swanston Street, and mingled around Bourke for a bit. The trepidation of doing the DSLR thing around Melbourne was eased I think by the fact it was a Friday night and everyone seemed pretty relaxed about things. I’ll try my luck at Flemington tomorrow.

Leech Walk

Friends of Mt Leura had an excursion day to Pallister’s Reserve and even though it rained for three quarters of the trip there, the sky cleared enough for a couple of very nice walks around the reserve. Having not been there for over a decade myself, the surroundings of impenetrable bluegum forests was starling and jarring, not to mention water table depleting. I spent most of the walk time obsessing over the volumes of leeches and high pitch screaming as they found their way up my boots.